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5 Tips for Teaching Your Child How to Brush and Floss



As a parent, you should teach your children the importance of good oral health at a young age. By instilling good oral hygiene habits in your children early on, you are setting them up for a lifetime of healthy teeth. In order to maintain a happy smile, kids need to know how to brush and floss properly. Here are some helpful tips for teaching your children how to brush and floss, and have fun doing it.


1. Play pretend dentist. Teach your child the importance of oral health at an early age by playing pretend dentist. Using a doll or stuffed animal, you can teach your child the proper brushing and flossing techniques, and reiterate them when you brush and floss your child's teeth.
2. Lead by example. Children look up to their parents; they see you as a role model. As a parent, it's important for you to practice good oral hygiene habits too. If your child sees you brushing and flossing regularly, then they will want to take part as well. Establish a routine where you and your child brush every morning and night and floss at least once a day.
3. Make it fun. Turning brushing and flossing time into a fun game will make your child excited about their oral health routine. Make up a fun game that involves defeating the evil plaque, or incorporate music and have your child brush to the beat. Offer praise when your child does a great job brushing and flossing.
4. Lend a helping hand. Children can typically brush on their own between ages six and eight and floss by themselves around age eight. Even after your children are brushing and flossing on their own, they may be missing spots or doing the job improperly. It's not uncommon for children to brush their teeth for a few seconds and think they're done. It's important to brush for two minutes and to floss in between every tooth to remove food that the toothbrush missed. Ensure your child is brushing and flossing properly, and lend a helping hand when needed.

5. Involve the dentist. A pediatric dentist can reinforce the importance of good oral hygiene habits and help show your child the right way to brush and floss. Take your child to see a pediatric dentist in Atlanta every six months for a routine checkup. With routine cleanings, oral exams and tooth repair, a pediatric dentist in Atlanta or Jonesboro will help ensure your child's teeth remain healthy and happy.